By IslamEye on Saturday, 24 April 2021
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Alleged Armenian Genocide

Facts concealed by the West ... what you do not know about the Armenian massacres against the Ottoman Muslims!

In his book entitled "The Massacres of Armenians against the Turks in Ottoman, Russian and American Documents", the historian specializing in Ottoman history, Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Wahab Al-Sharqawi, reviews unique hidden information about the massacres committed by Armenian gangs against Muslims during the era of the Ottoman Empire.

In an introduction and in three chapters, Cherkaoui presents documents that deal with the reality of what happened between 1914 - 1922 in many regions of Anatolia and the Caucasus.

The book contains 89 Ottoman documents, two Russian military reports, and the report of a US government parliamentary committee, according to a report prepared by Al Jazeera.

"These documents managed to count more than half a million civilian victims, not the military and army soldiers, and they were not able to count all the dead, as there were many massacres and entire villages were wiped out and no one escaped from them to narrate the incident," Al-Sharqawi said.

In many of these villages, the bodies were disposed of by throwing them into waterways and wells, or the bodies were burned, or homes were demolished and left under the rubble, or mass graves were made for them, and thus it was not possible to enumerate and specify the numbers of these victims.

She narrates a document bearing No. (73) in the first chapter; The testimony of a Russian student at the Moscow Medical College, and a Russian nurse named "Natalia Karameli" working with the Russian Red Cross, that the Armenians were committing violent acts with ferocity against the Muslim population, especially women and children, in the suburbs of Bayport and Aspire.

One of the leaders of the Armenian armed gangs called "Arsak" was coordinating his activities with another famous Armenian commander called "Antranik", and they practiced the slaughter of children in particular. Among the crimes attributed to them, according to the testimony of the student and the nurse, were the slaughter of children who were sheltering in an orphanage, as well as all the Turkish prisoners who fell under their hands. When the Armenian gangs were forced to retreat, they raped Muslim women and girls, and on their way back they also assassinated 50 children from Turkey.

Religious wars throughout history were among the bloodiest wars, and with the development of the war machine and the diversification of killing machines in the twentieth century, bloodshed increased. The twentieth century alone witnessed the death of more than a hundred million people in its wars, and more of them were wounded, disabled and homeless.

But the documents of the First World War confirm that what happened from the Armenians was targeting civilians mainly and first, because of the killing story that the documents talk about in this important reference; None of them killed Turkish soldiers. Rather, the appearance of the military meant that the slaughter had stopped in one area, and the Armenian gangs would withdraw to practice systematic slaughter and rape in another area.

At the end of the first chapter, the book presents a table that includes the numbers of the dead, the places where the crime took place and its history, and then the total numbers mentioned in the Ottoman documents. The total civilian deaths between 1914 - 1921 amounted to more than half a million people, specifically 518 105 between a woman, a child and a man from the Turks at the hands of the Armenian militia.

The second chapter includes a document which is an official report from a Russian officer during their fight with the participation of the Armenian volunteer battalions against the Ottoman Turks, about which the author says: "Despite the mutual benefits and strategic participation in fighting one enemy, the aforementioned officer was provoked by the inhuman and abnormal behavior of the Armenians in the face of the people. From the Muslim Ottoman Turks!

The early twentieth century had witnessed tremendous transformations in Russia, uprisings and revolutions, which led in their entirety to successive changes in the Russian army, especially in the relationship of soldiers to officers. It collapsed for the period of absolute obedience that the soldiers of the army of the Caesars were famous for, and the officers became afraid to punish the rebellious soldiers so that the rest would not turn against them.

The Armenians took advantage of these conditions to bypass the orders restricting their movement against the Muslim Turks during the war (Russia used to turn a blind eye to what the Armenians commit as long as it was hidden). The testimony of Lieutenant Colonel "Toado Khlebov", the Russian commander, confirms the Armenian crimes against Turkish civilians.

"In 1916, when our Russian soldiers occupied Erzurum, not a single Armenian was allowed to enter the city or approach its environs," Khlebov says.

"But the situation changed after the Russian revolution, and these precautions were abandoned, so the Armenians seized the opportunity to attack Erzurum and its environs, and began plundering homes, plundering villages and massacring the people. During the Russian occupation, the Armenians never dared to persevere in acts of cruelty and brutality in public, but they were killing and plundering them." Invisibility, but it was not resolved in 1917 until the Armenian Revolutionary Association - most of which were soldiers - began to search homes under the pretext of disarming the people. "

The testimonies of Russian officers included in the "Khlebov" report continue to document the killing of huge numbers of Turks by Armenians in cold blood without a fight or even providing an opportunity for self-defense or carrying weapons.

The third chapter moves to the report of the Niles and Sazerland Commission, which is authorized by the US Congress and was also commissioned by it in 1919 to investigate the conditions of the eastern provinces of the Ottoman Empire in the aftermath of World War I.

The purpose of the committee was to assess the required type of aid that could be provided through the American Committee for Relief in the Near East. The committee consisted of Captain Emory Niles, a US Army officer, and a professor of American law, Arthur Sutherland, Jr.

In the report, the two American envoys list their observations and take notes on what happened in the areas they passed through. In the area from "Beatlis" to "Bayazid", passing through "Van"; The report says: The region witnessed fighting between the Russians and their Armenian allies on the one hand, and the Turks on the one hand, and looting and massacres took place, and that resulted in massive destruction in the region, especially the cities of the wilaya of "Bitlis" and the state of "Van", which destroyed about nine out of ten.

The population of that affected area consists mainly of Muslims, and the envoys say: They knew that the damage and destruction were done by the Armenians, as the Russian army occupied the area and then withdrew from it, and soon the Armenians committed the crimes of murder, rape and burning - and according to the report's words - they committed all terrible atrocities against Muslims.

The authors of the report inferred the authenticity of the testimonies they heard from the evidence they saw that the property of the Armenians, their churches, and even the inscriptions on the homes in "Beatles and Van" were not damaged or damaged, while the property and homes of Muslims were completely destroyed.

In the Erzurum border region, which consists of a series of plains surrounded by mountains and inhabited by Kurds and Turks, there have also been acts of killing and complete destruction of homes and crops and looting of livestock. The report confirms that before their withdrawal from the region, the Armenians destroyed villages and massacred and atrocities also committed against the Muslim population.

The report adds that these Armenian crimes - as the report calls it - are still taking place on the border at the moment of writing the facts. The American envoys also inferred the veracity of the testimonies from a British officer in Erzurum.

In the end, the American Commission decides; Although their mention of the atrocities committed had nothing to do with their primary mission, what they saw and heard overpowered them, and they were assured that the truth is that the Armenians slaughtered Muslims on a large scale and with a lot of cruelty and brutality. And that the Armenians are responsible for most of the destruction that occurred in the villages and cities.

The report also confirms the fact that the Russians did a lot of chaos and destruction if they allied with the Armenians, but when the Russian army dissolved in 1917 and left the Armenians without control, the latter slaughtered and killed Muslim civilians, and when the Armenian army was destroyed by the Turkish army, all regular and irregular soldiers turned To a machine destroying Muslim property and committing massacres, and the result is the destruction of an entire country.

While the American historian, Justin McCarthy, says in his important book, "Expulsion and Extermination, the Fate of the Ottoman Muslims": The Armenian attacks on Muslims were rarely mentioned or taken into account. As for Muslims' attacks on Armenians, they are only the ones they care about and highlight. Commentators to portray Muslims as savages who felt from time to time the need to kill Christians. In fact, the Armenians attacked Muslims, often without apparent provocation or direct justification.

From the book "Expulsion and Extermination," by Justin McCarthy

In the year 79571 AD, the Ottoman city of Darband was under Russian siege, so it sent its Armenian inhabitants.
To the Russian invaders information about the sources of the German supply to the city, which allowed the Russians to be defeated
Ottoman city ruler.

The Armenian revolt against the sultanate continued, "as they fought alongside the Russians against the empire
The Ottoman Empire during the wars of the years (1871-11871) and the Crimean War.
The Armenian monasteries on the Ottoman-Persian border into an arms depot to be an infiltration point
Armenian revolutionaries working against the empire.

The dirty game ...

The Armenians began committing brutal acts: including what they did when the Russians captured the Ottoman city of Kars:
As newspaper reporter Charles Williams noted, "The Armenians had helped their Russian friends kill
The wounded are Ottoman captives. The Armenians took advantage of the presence of the Russians and treated the Muslims
Cruelly and insulted them. And when the city returned to the Muslims, the Ottomans were able to maintain order
And they protected the Christians from the revenge of the Muslim citizens.

Fuse counter-massacres:
"One of the [Armenian] revolutionaries told Dr. Hamlin, the founder of the American University in Turkey, that they are gangs
Hashnag [Armenian] is waiting for its chance to kill Kurds and Turks. And set fire to their wilderness, and then flee to
Mountains. The angry Muslims will then revolt and attack the Ghazal Armenians and kill them in a manner
brutality. So much so, that Russia will intervene in the name of humanity and Christian civilization. And when he denounced the missionary
The paranoid who had planned his distress was more gruesome and demonic than anything he knew. I received this response: "This is how it looks
It is unquestionably yours, because we Armenians have decided to become free. Europe listened to
Bulgarian horrors and made the Bulgarians free. You will listen to our shouting when you enter the shouts
And the blood of millions of women and children. "We are desperate." We will do it.
On April 15, 911 AD, the Armenian attacks on Muslims began in the region of Atena, "affected
The Christian Bishop Moustasha who preached an independent Armenian nation "and died about twenty now
From both sides. Justin McCarthy says: "The events of 185110 and 1111 were important in preparing
Psychological Climate of the Year 2015
McCarthy then comments, "in order to understand the chronology of the massacres and corresponding massacres in the region."
It must be realized that these and other revolutionary activities (meaning the Armenian attacks) took place before any
Orders to deport Armenians for a long time! Revolutions and attacks on Ottoman forces began in Van
Zaitoun, Mush, Ar-Rashadiya, Kouash, and other cities and towns. Before the orders of the Ottomans were issued
Of deportation. "

McCarthy has brought extensive documented evidence in his book. On the Armenian massacres, their brutality and their crimes right
Ottoman Muslims »He says: On April 5 (year 115), the Armenians in Wan began shooting
Over police stations and Muslim residences »with the advance of the Armenians and their victory over the Ottoman security forces
They burned the Muslim neighborhood The Muslims who fell into his hands were among those who killed soldiers
Wounded or sick Ottomans came to Van to recuperate. Many villages were destroyed: everything was destroyed
Islamic »All mosques were burned or demolished. And the Armenians stole what the fleeing Muslims were carrying. ''
Hana, the Ottoman reaction to these massacres came; which the enemies of Islam take as evidence of their bloodthirstiness
The Islamic Caliphate, represented by the Ottoman Empire »and they overlooked that what happened - if we assume it is true - may
It took place during the rule of the secular federations »after they turned against Caliph Abdul Hamid II in the year 1930 expelling Members of the Ottoman family outside the country!

McCarthy says: Nat Namul is clear: the transfer and resettlement of Armenians are peaceful and says that the documents
The goods of 1 gars and a mount in an economic deal similar to that of 0
Health, enforcement of health laws, and the like.

McCarthy says the decision to force the Armenians to leave is correct in purely military language: But it caused
Great troubles and deaths among them; This is deplorable. Nevertheless, the decision led to the desired result:
The attacks of the Armenian revolutionaries diminished!

McCarthy then states that the responsibility for the Armenian deaths must be shared by: the Armenian revolutionaries themselves
Choose between two groups of its citizens.

When the Bolshevik revolution took place in Russia in 111117, the Russian army disintegrated and left the field. "It was dissolved
It was replaced by the Armenian gangs »The Ottoman army launched a swift attack, and the Armenian gangs retreated on
Towards anarchy, and they ravaged the areas they occupied, their Muslims had lost their lives, and created the facts; It came in
Wells »They burned other gardens and filled with some corpses; And split the stomachs of Muslims in slaughterhouses: a
Their livers and their minds; The women were suspended from their hair after being exposed to all diabolical acts »and other
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