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Facts concealed by the West ... what you do not know about the Armenian massacres against the Ottoman Muslims! In his book entitled "The Massacres of Armenians against the Turks in Ottoman, Russian and American Documents", the historian specializing in Ottoman history, Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Wahab Al-Sharqawi, reviews unique hidden information about the m...
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The cosmic argument for the existence of the Creator Fine-tuning of universe The cosmological constant Imagine that a very small ball is on top of a nail. It is balanced to a large extent Imagine that this small ball is a pingpong ball in this case the balance becomes impossible and the ball will inevitably fall. Scientists say that the cosmic cons...
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The requirement of divinity is a requirement upon which philosophies and prophecies are available, its evidentiary evidence is present in the souls and in the horizons, and its psychological motives are concentrated in the minds and in the consciences! {God breaks his fast with which people break his fast} ﴿30﴾ Surat Al-RumBut this existential dema...
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