This is truly a calamity.
An atheist criticizing ISIS ....
Is this true, atheists?
Does life have a meaning independent of material existence in order to criticize those who take it away?
Does life have a value that goes beyond the material framework and is differentiated by it so that you refuse to take it away?
Are we not just stellar waste as the atheist Karl Sagan decides by letter, and as every atheist decides according to his vision of existence?
Or is this talk an atheistic obsession with the media, no more, and people's questioning of value, truth and morals, and that you from within you believe in the value of life, its meaning and the finality of our existence, an imperative faith that cannot be separated from you, and that your atheism is a mere silence and a hanger that does not convince a young child?
Either life has another existence independent of material existence - it derives its meaning from another world - otherwise you would not have criticized ISIS or even comprehend the problem of the extermination of all the people of the earth, or that life is a material thing and the time for science comes to prove that death does not change anything at all in The physical framework, it does not happen that an atom stops moving by losing life, and it does not happen that electrons stop its rotation by taking away life, and as atomic physics has taught us, the atom does not stop except at absolute zero, but death and life are things that do not change anything in the atomic frame at all.
If we go to the most advanced animals and ask him about the meaning of life, he will not pay attention to your words, because it revolves around instinct, excitement and response, while man is not like that, so man came with a heavenly introduction and his life has meaning and his existence has value and purpose, otherwise he will not criticize an atheist Daesh or straighten his suspicion!
Otherwise, the atheist would not feel in the extermination of all human beings any material defect!
The problem of an atheist is that he is an atheist when he exposes his atheism to questioning people about truth, goodness and religion, and a believer in God, in value, in the meaning of existence and purpose, and the absolutism of morals when criticizing religion!
Believe me your atheism failed, poor atheist! Even when you are subjected to a suspicion that your atheism automatically drops, have you found a doctrine more ridiculous or trivial than a doctrine that falls just because of the suspicion of the opposing doctrine?
Oh atheist, your atheism is not suitable for analyzing the phenomenon of human existence, nor is it suitable for analyzing the meaning of life, understanding the value, or determining the purpose, so it is more ridiculous than to spend even one night with you.
If your atheism had a meaning, your criticism would have no value, and you would not absorb the criticism in the first place.
Either life has a meaning and existence has an end that is independent of the non-materialistic framework, or you do not have the right to criticize those who decide to change some atoms in a material framework, which some call the robbery of life?
You do not have the right to criticize the extermination of all the people of the earth, because mass extermination is not even a material error until you criticize it!
The other calamity: A disgraceful atheist comes to you who disbelieves his atheism before he asks you so that he misses the opportunity to bring down his atheism, and he tells you: Oh man, is not ISIS implementing what Islam decides, and talk to me through your religion and leave the atheist aside!
O mean atheist!
1- Give me one text in the Book of God Almighty or the Sunnah of His Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - ordering the killing of a Shiite!
O mean atheist, the disagreement between us and the Shiites in the origin is a difference in the love of some people who accompanied the Prophet, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, this is the beginning and end of the dispute as determined by the famous Shiite Islamic thinker Ali Shariati. The lovers of Ali, Abu Bakr, Omar and the Sunnah are the lovers of Abu Bakr, Omar and Ali, may God be pleased with them all.
The imamate in true Alawite Shi'ism is a belief in a revolutionary system capable of building a society that carries out the duties of a system that is qualified for the renaissance of the ummah, and a society that carries a sublime message, but corrupt Safavid Shi'ism looks at belief in the imams from another angle in which belief in them is nothing but a belief in (12) characters from Metaphysical genus and twelve sacred numbers we must love their owners and praise them and draw close to them and this applies to all the doctrines of the corrupt Safavid Shi'ism compared to the true Alawite Shi'ism that all Sunnis owe.
And Safavid political Shiism is the problem of Iran today, it is the cause of the heresies of the priests of the Hawzas, the reason for the irregularities of the Husseiniyas doctrinal, and the cause of the endless discord.
But does this also allow the killing of the Shiite?
The common people of the Shiites are Muslims who have what we have and they have what we owe, and a Shiite who kills a Sunni will be exacted from him, just like a Sunni who kills a Shiite. As for the rivers of blood that flow and the strife that do not stop, they are only fueled by the priests of the seminary, the five references and the mullahs of ideological violations, and such people are a political burden and they are not A religious burden.
The criminal Shiite militias, such as the Amal movement in Lebanon and the Mahdi Army in Iraq, did not appear except from the womb of Hawzis that had nothing to do with the true Salafi creed of the family of the house and their love for all Muslims.
Conclusion: The sanctity of the blood of a Sunni Muslim is like the sanctity of the blood of a Shiite Muslim, and a Shiite criminal terrorist who kills a Sunni shall be vindicated for being a murderer and not for being a Shiite, as is the case with a Sunni who kills a Shiite, and both of them are included in the verse {and whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell; He has a great torment} 93﴾ Surat An-Nisa '.
Islam is explicit in that killing one soul - whatever it is - is a crime against humanity (whoever kills a soul without a soul or corruption on earth, it is as if he killed all people) ﴿32﴾ Surat Al-Ma`idah.
While the international courts of justice have not reached this formulation until today, for the incident to become a crime against humanity, the death toll must reach countless!
2- O atheist! Give me one text in the Book of God or the Sunnah of His Messenger - may God bless him and grant him peace - ordering the killing of the dhimmi - the Christians of Iraq and the Levant - or even just to harm him!
Islam is explicit in that mere exposure to the institute or the dhimmi infidel, deprives a Muslim of paradise!
On the authority of Abdullah bin Amr, may God be pleased with them, on the authority of the Prophet, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, who said: "Whoever kills a treaty will not get rid of the scent of paradise, and its smell is found from the course of forty years." Collected by Al-Bukhari
3- O atheist! Give me one text that permits a Muslim to deport the dhimmi - the Christians of Mosul -!
Ethnicities and religious groups in the Middle East are the gift of Islam, and if it were not for Islam, Orthodoxy would have been forever extinct, so how can we say the displacement of the original owners of the countries?
Before the advent of Islam to Egypt, the Orthodox churches were converted to waste by the Romans.
Priests and priests wandered on their faces in the desert, and Orthodoxy was in danger of extinction, and as soon as Islam came, it brought priests back to their churches and allowed them the freedom to practice their beliefs, and Anba Benjamin was during that period the Pope of the Orthodox Church and Patriarch of the Saint Mark evangelism on the run in the desert for 13 years after they were slaughtered His brother before his eyes!
And in the Book of Synaxar, which collects the news of the prophets, apostles, martyrs and saints used in the churches of Saint Mark's preaching on the days and Sundays of the Thutonic year, the book says, under the title "The Departure of Pope Benjamin the First, the 38th (8 Tebah):" Anba Benjamin was a fugitive in the desert for 13 years and before his escape had been He wrote a leaflet to all the bishops and heads of monasteries to disappear, and it happened after the escape of the patriarch from the church that Al-Moqqas al-Khalqdouni arrived in Egypt, taking over the reins of the state and the patriarchate on the Egyptian lands by the king, so he placed his hand on the churches, persecuted the believers and arrested Mina, the brother of Anba Binyamin, and tortured him a lot and burned him Then he killed him by drowning, and shortly after Amr ibn al-Aas arrived in the land of Egypt and invaded the country and stayed there for three years, and when Amr ibn al-Aas learned of the disappearance of Pope Benjamin, he sent a letter to the rest of the Egyptian countries saying: "The place in which Benjamin, the Coptic Patriarch of the Christians, has the covenant, safety and peace. So let him attend a secure peacekeeper to run his people and churches, so Anba Binyamin attended after he had spent thirteen (!) Years on the run, and Amr bin Al-Aas honored him with extra honor, and ordered that he take over his churches and their properties.
Source: - The Book of Synaxar, Part 1, p. 249, edition of the Library of Love.
After the introduction of Islam to Egypt, the Egyptians tended to reform the affairs of their churches after their system was disturbed and separated, and priests returned to their churches and monasteries were rebuilt!
Under Islam, the Copts of Egypt became the happiest minorities in the world, and among them became the prime minister of the world (Boutros Ghali) and the richest of the world's rich (the Sawiris family), and these rights they obtained are from the legacies of Islam. There is a Muslim minority living under the shadow of the Zionist or Crusader entity. You find this transaction?
Rather, it is strange what is mentioned that the West to this day views Orthodoxy as an Eastern sect that has nothing to do with the Western Christian world, Samuel Huntington says: "The borders of Europe end geographically, where Western Christianity ends and Islam and Orthodoxy begin. This is the answer that all Europeans support whispers, and Muslim Turkey and Orthodox Cyprus still remain. Two undesirable countries in the European Union, even Orthodox Greece, which had difficulty in joining the European Union, considered the members of the European Union in 1994 that its membership in the Union was a mistake.
Source: The Clash of Civilizations, Remaking the World Order .. Samuel Huntington .. Translated by: Talaat Al-Shayeb Second Edition 1999 p. 258
The Middle East has turned into a huge and immense museum that includes within it thousands of ethnicities and races, thanks to the tolerance of Islam
Who ruled it.
There is no legitimate pluralism except in the Islamic state, as it is the only one that allows different beekeepers to apply their laws among themselves, while the French Muslim and the French Orthodox are bound by the French secular civil constitution, and they are not entitled to apply their Sharia even in personal situations.
4- O atheist! Give me one text in the permissibility of representation of bodies in retribution
Islam explicitly forbids exposure to corpses by acting, even if it is the killing of Qisas, and the prohibition on representation of corpses with the letter came in Sahih Muslim, and in the authentic hadith narrated by Ahmad and Ibn Majah on the condition of Muslim: "Breaking the bone of the dead is like breaking it alive." This in it there is a strong incitement not to Exposure to the dead.
5- O atheist! Give me one text in the permissibility of capturing women just because of their unbelief - the Yazidis -?
This is what a Muslim does not say, and it was not mentioned even with a fabricated or false chain of transmission in any Islamic book at all. Otherwise, did Amr ibn al-Aas take the women of Egypt as captives after the conquest of Egypt!
Captivity is confined to the battlefield and the battlefield, so the fighting infidel is killed, and the fighting infidel is to be held captive until they are redeemed by the Muslim captives or pardoned and returned to the enemy (either from us after or or until the war ends) 4﴾ Surah Muhammad.
But if a law had been put in place for the prohibition of capturing women, then it is not permissible for a Muslim to violate laws and charters, unless the brutal enemy began to violate!
Accordingly, all covenants and covenants that prevent captivity in wars are now respected, and we also have a well-disciplined basis in Sharia. God knows!
6- O atheist! Give me the name of one Muslim scholar on the face of the earth who pledged allegiance to the caliph of ISIS, give me the name of one scholar from the Council of Senior Scholars or from any Islamic religious institution who pledged allegiance to ISIS!
O atheist! Once again, do not control ISIS or anything else, otherwise, according to your atheism, you are permitted to exterminate all human beings under the pretext of survival of the fittest, and according to your atheism, you may blow up all the sick, the handicapped, the infirm, and anyone who stands in the face of the inevitability of natural selection.
Whoever excludes these matters from atheism, does not understand anything about the essence of atheism or its philosophy!
Therefore, the extermination of millions in the Gulag Archipelago by the atheist Lenin and the atheist Stalin was only through a material atheist justification, and the extermination of 22% of the Cambodian population is only with an atheist justification at the hands of the atheist Pol Pot, and the establishment of the whole World War II only With a national, materialistic, ethnic German justification at the hands of Adolf Hitler, and the Cultural Revolution in China that killed 22 million people is not without a Maoist atheist justification, for the war in atheism is an end in itself, the material gains and the emptying of people from the continents, and the purification of the races are all nothing but material Darwinian secretions. Natural, ethnic visions.
Richard Weikart says, "Atheism has succeeded in reversing the scale of moralityUpside down, and provided the scientific basis for all criminals and murderers, to convince themselves and those who collaborated with them, that the most heinous global crimes were, in fact, a moral commendable virtue.
According to your atheism, all human races except for the highest sex must be deposited in animal cages under the pretext that they are missing evolutionary links, and this was applied in practice. In 1889, the World Zoo in Paris alone exhibited 400 indigenous people, and it is surprising that the Columbia Zoo in 1893 contained Egyptians Officially alongside some young Nubians.
- Egyptian atheists may not believe that their ancestors officially were in cages less than a century and a quarter ago in the name of atheism.
It was established in St. Louis. Louis Zoo in America displays a lot of Filipinos in what was called the parade of evolutionary progress,
Pygmies from New Guinea were displayed in the main mammals section of the Bronx Zoo.
The Primate section of the Bronx Zoo.
The most famous of these suicide bombers, destroyed by atheism, was Ota Benga.
Atheism freed its followers from any moral burdens in their dealings with other people.
Within atheism, too, the size of the skull was measured to liquidate the inferior races in Darwinian and formally exterminate them, and world wars were fought due to this view of mankind, racial purification and survival of the fittest, and the Military Atheist League of Militant Atheists emerged that killed hundreds of thousands of religious people across Europe.
Atheism has exterminated in one century tens of millions of people, but more importantly, it annihilated all hope for a person to be a human being.
According to atheism, women fall under the classification Homo parietalis, while men are classified as Homo frontalis, meaning that the woman is an inferior being than the man, and in an independent atheist study it was proved that there is a fundamental difference in the size of the brain in favor of men by 12-19%. Much of a man's brain.
The atheist said literally that the size of a woman's brain is almost identical to that of gorillas, and women come in the lower stage of human development.
Gould, The Mismeasure of Man, p. 105
Therefore, Darwin was deciding from the start that women are only suitable for household tasks, and adding joy to the home, - because a woman in the house is better than a dog.
Charles Darwin, The Autobiography of Charles Darwin 1809-1882, New York pp. 232-233
Beware, then beware, and beware, you atheist! To control you in ISIS or other things, otherwise you are not an atheist, but just a mean.
Note: Some Muslims may decide that ISIS is wronged in all that is attributed to it, and this has nothing to do with the topic, but we are talking about issues that have become widespread in the media, nothing more, and trust in the narrator, and the problem is that atheists exploit this topic. The mind of an atheist is from this media, as for ISIS, God alone knows its condition and fate, and if it is as the media promotes of its infidelity to common Muslims and killing them, then it is a major takfiri sect that the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - told of the emergence and multiplication of its proverbs at the end of time. The Prophet, may God's prayers and peace be upon him, said: Oh in the last decade folk Hdthae teeth fools dreams, they say the best land to say, of Islam as pass through Imrq arrow from the bow, do not exceed their faith in their throats, wherever the Qeetmohm Vaguetlohm, the killing of reward for those killed by the day of Resurrection.
Narrated by Bukhari 6930, and Muslim 1771.
And in the other hadith that Abu Umamah narrated regarding them: "The evil of the dead is under the skin of the sky, the best of the dead is those who killed him."
Indeed, among the perfection of his keenness on his ummah - may God bless him and grant him peace - is that he warned us against being deceived by their prayer and their guardianship, so he said: "One of you despises his prayer with their prayer, and his reading with their reading, and his fasting with their fasting, they recite the Qur'an not beyond their throats, they turn from Islam as an arrow passes from a throw, Wherever you find them, kill them. ''
The emergence of takfiri groups is one of the signs of the end times, and whoever looks at the state of the Nation of Islam since the fall of the Creation, sees that no reformist Islamic Salafist group has emerged seeking to implement the religion of the Lord of the Worlds except in parallel a group of takfiri spoiling the fruits of what that group has produced, as is the case in Nigeria and Somalia. And Syria.
We acknowledge the existence of a colossal media distortion, so we do not know the real things even while we are living through the events, and the discerning Muslim feels the focus of the word terrorism and confining it to the Sunnis, while in non-Sunnis terrorists what fills the oceans, and while drones bomb Ansar al-Sharia in Yemen they are not exposed to terrorism The Houthis, even with a word, and while the international organizations are fighting ISIS, do not come close to Bashar al-Assad, who exterminated half of his people and seeks to displace the other half, and you find in Guantanamo only Sunnis and you will not find a single Shiite in it, as if America is telling you: Kill whoever you want, the important thing is not to be Sunni or otherwise distort us Your image is everywhere and we have limited the word terrorism to you, and our planes will be waiting for you, and may God be with God, before and after.
It remains for us to say: If ISIS was wronged and the images were fabricated and deceit is major to sabotage and fragment the Arab countries, then we ask God to remove injustice and calamity from them, and to take revenge on those who distort their image and seek to tear Muslims apart!
And if it was as portrayed by the media in terms of oppression, atonement, tyranny and injustice, then its hour is a sign of the approaching end times and it is a sign and evidence of the validity of what the Prophet - may God bless him and grant him peace - told about the appearance of such takfiri groups, and then the Muslim must be aware of his true belief and the need to implant it and that He is righteous, and he avoids sins, so that he does not fall for people of sedition and misguidance and deceived by their prayers and fasting, so he fights under the banner of an amic one and dies the death of a jahiliyya, for disobedience is the post of error, suspicion and lust. We ask God for safety and wellness.